Our studio team in Tokyo, Japan, posed for a greeting card and is sending everybody best wishes for a great summer.
It seems that we may not be to far off from being able to “talk to the animals”. Professor Con Slobodchikoff from North Arizona University has been studying prairie dogs for the past 30 years and has discovered how they communicate with each other. He learned that they make distinctive calls that can distinguish between a variety of animals including coyotes, domestic dogs and humans. They even make distinctive warning calls to each other when different individuals of the same species were sighted, leading the professor to wonder if they were describing actual physical attributes.
The English language uses letters to describe the shape of some clothes. A few examples are T-shirt, A-line dress or skirt and V-neck. The United States has created these terms and other countries with Roman alphabets have adopted them. Have you ever thought about what countries might be using for these words that do not use a Roman alphabet but instead use characters to write?